Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good Evening, ok almost morning

I don't think it's morning till you see the sun come up and you've been up all night, or you've woken up.  I think it's still night even at 1am if you haven't yet gone to bed.  If you work at night then it's a totally different bag of fish; so I'll let you decide when it's morning for you and when it's still night.

In other news I love my job.  And my dog doesn't get enough play time, but that's cuse I work.  Ah the trade offs we have.

I've been freaking out a little bit recently about what would normally be small stupid stuff.  I guess I'm more stressed then I though.  I'm hoping that as I get into the routine of work during the week things will start to feel better.  That and as I find a way to feel lest 'romantically' lonely.  Haven't completely decided how to do that yet.

I had a though and now it's all gone.  Oh well.


Yeah, still can't think of what it is.

Oh, my neighbor is going to help me with cleaning up my place tomorrow.  It's getting really out of hand and I just haven't done anything about it.  I'm not sure if it's the time or the inclination, but I can't stand it anymore and I'm not sure how to even begin. 

I like babysitting for her.  Her son is 6 months old now and he's kind of fussy, so that part isn't so fun, but it gives me something direct to do so I don't feel as overwhelmed and useless sitting around my place on my days off.  It also means I don't get as much done around the house as I could (yes I call my appt my house) but I'm not entirely sure that if I weren't babysitting I would get all that much done.  And I feel good for helping her our.  She's in a tough spot and is financially strapped and I don't really feel like I'm giving up much by doing this for her.  Maybe a few hours of sleep, but I just am smart about it and take naps when he does.

Ok, I think I want to keep rambeing, but I also want to sleep.  I'm going to choose the sleep option.

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