Friday, April 1, 2011

A little drunk

Considering the blankness of my mind I'm surprised I want to blog.  Oh well. 

Oh, I apologize in advance for any spelling or typo errors.  Yes I know there is spell check when typing these entries, but that doesn't mean I'll choose the right word, or type the correct word in there.  I may type a different word in place of what I mean and it may be correctly spelled for what it is, just not the right word.

Well as you may have guessed by the title of this post I'm a little drunk at the moment.  Had a few with my friend.  She needed a drink and I needed company, so we hung out for a while. 

She was my back up plan as I was hoping one of my other friend would be free.  No that I don't like my neighbor or consider her a friend; it's just that with my other friends nakedness would have been part of the evening and when there is nakedness there is also various sexual activities. 

I need to get laid.  But don't most of us?  One could argue that if I really wanted to get laid I could have achieved my goal, but I don't just want to take anyone home.  I though at one point in the recent past that that would be good, but I have discovered that I don't really want to do that.  I like sex, but it's more then that.  Sometimes not much more, but anyway.  There's a trust factor.  I want to know the person I'm fucking isn't a complete douche.  I like to know I can trust them on some basic level as well as be able to hold a conversation with them. 

I like to talk (in case you haven't noticed).  And while I am generally tired after sex I also like to share more then just bodily fluids with the other person.

Lego isn't the best dog in the world.  If he was he wouldn't bark and jump on everyone.  But he is very friendly and is good with babies and children, which to me is a big plus.

Ok, my head feels heavy now, I'm going to go to bed.

Shadowrun in the morning.  Need to be semi awake for that.  At least need to be awake enough to drive and read english.  Anything more then that is asking too much on a Saturday (now a day off for me).

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