Monday, April 25, 2011


I can't decide about dance class.  I like going but it isn't exactly a convent time for me.  Not sure what would be a truly good time though.  Monday nights, or possibly Sunday.  Basically a day when I'm not working.  Then I don't have to worry about Lego.  I do worry about him when I'm at work, but not nearly as much as on the nights when I have class.  I'm gone for so long.  And actually not being home is a consideration for my self.  It makes the day really long.  I mean I like dance and all.  I have no idea.  Plus it's one less day I could potentially hang out with friends.  This week especially.  First date potential, second date potential, seeing two different friends I don't get to see enough.  And then dance.  Five items and four days.  Someone's getting shafted.  And that's with out a night for myself.  Unless you count dance class, which I don't really.  A night to my self is one where I can sit back with some dinner and watch tv and do nothing productive.

I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight.

Ok, so there's a moment in Pirates 3 when Cuttler Becket is on his shit as it is blowing up around him where you can spot a bobie pin in one of his curls.  I know I should be paying attention to all the grand explosions in the end of the epic battle but I just can't get over the fact that you can see his frickin bobie pin.    Ok, so it's really hard to see on a regular tv and most people wouldn't have noticed it, and probably didn't, even on the big screen in the theatre, but still.  This couldn't have been the wig person's first gig.  Ok, pet peave rant done.

My pussy doesn't get nearly enough attention. 

I'm hungry.  Kind of wish I had some silkin tofu.  But I ate the last block the other night and don't have any more food stamps.  It's not like I don't have other food, it's just it makes Roman so much better, and more filling.  Ok so it just makes it more filling.  But that's the point here.  To be filled.  In many ways.

I am a bit pickey  though.  Not just anyone will do. And there is a good chance that it may take a little bit of getting to know one another before any filling can take place.  But I think that's over all a good thing. 

Well time to find food.

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